Dress Code Reminder (short version)

We ask that parents work with us to ensure that clothing is appropriate for middle school students. Girls: “yoga pants” or leggings should include a shirt that fully covers their backside for school appropriateness, skirts or shorts should be no shorter than finger-tip length, girls should not wear short “running” shorts to school and holes or rips in pants should not show skin in the thigh or abdominal areas. No cut off tops revealing the stomach. No spaghetti strap or off-the-shoulder shirts.  Boys: pants must not be loose enough to show their underwear, their shirts must have sleeves and shirts may not have inappropriate graphics or messages for school. Hats are not allowed unless required for health reasons and a doctor’s note is on file with the school. No mouse ears, unicorn horns or other large, decorative headbands please. No bedroom shoes or pajama pants. There are exceptions made on the appropriate “Spirit Days!”

Permanent link to this article: https://www.randallptsa.org/dress-code-reminder-short-version/

Medicine On Campus

Do you need to drop off your child’s medication?

Sara Huffman, RN will assist you.

For parents needing to drop-off items in our clinic and speak with our nurse before school starts: If you need to bring in medicine, physician’s paperwork or speak to one of our nurses, they will be available to accept medications and answer questions. Dates and times, TBA in a future email.

Remember parents, students may not bring over the
counter medications to school with them.

To contact Nurse Sara Huffman, email Sarah.Huffman@hcps.net or call 813-740-3900, ext. 232 or 253.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.randallptsa.org/medicine-on-campus/

Under Construction

We apologize for any inconvenience.  The RMS PTSA website is testing out a more user-friendly format, based on your feedback.  All materials should still be accessible, but if you have any trouble locating the information you seek, please let us know so we can help.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.randallptsa.org/under-construction-2/

April 2022 Students of the Month

Congratulations to April’s Students of the Month, as selected by their teachers.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.randallptsa.org/april-2022-students-of-the-month/

Save the Date: 8th Grade

To read the permission slip with event details and save a copy, click here.  To purchase tickets, click here or go to the PTSA online store.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.randallptsa.org/save-the-date-8th-grade/

Randall Middle School Photography Contest 2022

Please click for FULL details, including rules, required submission form, and answers to most questions.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.randallptsa.org/randall-middle-school-photography-contest-2022/

Box Tops

Clipping Box Tops is an easy way to help earn cash for our school!  Each Box Top is worth 10¢ for our school! Just look for the pink Box Tops on hundreds of products. All you have to do is clip them and send them to school.

There are three easy ways you can help raise money for our school:

  1. Clip – Clip the Box Tops from hundreds of participating products and send them in with your child to Homeroom. In the Fall and Spring, the homeroom class that collects and turns in the most Box Tops will win a donut breakfast and the teacher will receive a gift card.
  2. Shop online – Shop at your favorite online stores through the Box Tops Marketplace (boxtops4education.commarketplace). Randall can earn Box Tops with every qualifying purchase you make, at no additional cost to you.
  3. Sign up to support our school at boxtops4education.comwhere you can:
  • See how much our school is earning with Box Tops
  • Enter online promotions for chances to win Box Tops and other prizes

** Students should bring in all Box Tops to their home room class.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.randallptsa.org/box-tops/

7th Grade Friday Fest

Click image or HERE for more details on the 7th Grade Fun Fest.  To buy tickets online, March 23-April 1, click “Tickets” and make certain to select “7th Grade Friday Fest.”

Permanent link to this article: https://www.randallptsa.org/7th-grade-friday-fest/

6th Grade Festival

Click image or HERE for more details on the festival.  To buy tickets online, March 1-11, click “Tickets.”


Permanent link to this article: https://www.randallptsa.org/6th-grade-festival/

Restaurant Nights

Restaurant Nights

Restaurant Nights are a fun & easy way to help our PTSA raise funds. While these events are FUNdraisers, they are more of a convenience event. Between work, homework, and extracurricular activities, some nights it can be a chore to get dinner ready. If one of our Restaurant nights happens to fall on one of those nights for you, please consider going out to eat & helping the school at the same time. 

To learn more, email spiritnightchair@randallptsa.org.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.randallptsa.org/restaurant-nights/