Athletics: Basketball, Flag Football, Soccer, Track, and Volleyball

Randall Athletics
Randall Middle School offers extramural athletic participation during the school year.  Middle School sports include boys’ and girls’ basketball, volleyball, track, soccer and flag football. We will let you know the order of sports via email in August.

In order to try out for any of the teams, District athletic forms and video trainings must be completed. Visit  (Editor’s note: Site page does not yet seem to be active.  Last year’s link was

All athletic paperwork must be uploaded online by the student’s parent/guardian. Students must watch
the required video trainings themselves.

Parent meetings for boys and girls interested in trying out for sports will be held in late August and January for the corresponding semesters’ sports Dates of sports’ seasons TBA. We will send out an update email with the date and time for our meetings.

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