Dress Code Reminder (short version)

We ask that parents work with us to ensure that clothing is appropriate for middle school students. Girls: “yoga pants” or leggings should include a shirt that fully covers their backside for school appropriateness, skirts or shorts should be no shorter than finger-tip length, girls should not wear short “running” shorts to school and holes or rips in pants should not show skin in the thigh or abdominal areas. No cut off tops revealing the stomach. No spaghetti strap or off-the-shoulder shirts.  Boys: pants must not be loose enough to show their underwear, their shirts must have sleeves and shirts may not have inappropriate graphics or messages for school. Hats are not allowed unless required for health reasons and a doctor’s note is on file with the school. No mouse ears, unicorn horns or other large, decorative headbands please. No bedroom shoes or pajama pants. There are exceptions made on the appropriate “Spirit Days!”

Permanent link to this article: https://www.randallptsa.org/dress-code-reminder-short-version/